What is the Removable Refrigeration Package?

Several Huxford display refrigerator model ranges/series feature the “Removable Refrigeration Package”. The package features in the BMH, HPM and HBBR series or ranges of fridges.

The "packs" are also often referred to as "Replaceable Refrigeration Cassettes" or "Interchangeable Refrigeration Decks".

Huxford Refrigeration is one of very few suppliers in Australia that can supply a single package interchangeable within a full series of five different sized units in the new HPM range.

The HPM series also utilises on R920 refrigerant gas, a natural and eco-friendly gas which also makes it even more energy efficient than our BMH range:

  1. short single door (HPM365)
  2. single door (HPM600)
  3. slim double door (HPM850)
  4. large double door (HPM1100)
  5. triple door (HPM1350)

We also have a single package across the BMH range which is interchangeable between four different sized units:

  1. single door (BMH20)
  2. slim double door (BMH850)
  3. large double door (BMH1100)
  4. triple door (BMH1350)

The technology required to develop a package is a substantial investment. At Huxford we originally ensured this package was high performance, low energy consumption and fast pull-down (pull-down = time required for new hot or warm product added to be reduced to normal operating temperature, between 0°C and 4°C). It also was designed to pass the vigorous requirements the leading soft drink manufacturers demand in their fridges. Which is why you will not see some brands apart of their fleet, they simply don’t perform well enough. More to follow about this in future articles.

Put simply these packages are the main mechanical cooling and electrical components, neatly packaged into a condensed rectangular shape which simply slides in or out of any of the models in the same range/series. No tools, electrical or refrigeration qualifications are required to remove these packages as they are all designed to be plug and play. Keeping a spare package as a back-up means less down time in the event of failure especially for remote locations or critical safe food, expensive foods (caviar, oysters, wagyu, truffle and others) and medical or vaccine storage.

Package swapping also prevents sometimes costly urgent diagnosis and/or delays in repair from requiring refrigeration technicians immediately. In the event of a failed package, it can be swapped and sent off for repair in due time which would not incur “urgency” fees. Our corporate clients often prefer and specify these specialised units for the above reasons.